Good Morning!

It’s been a while since I did anything in the meetup scene; anyone aware of any meetups in the Bay Area I should make it a point to check out?

From the Community

It turns out that user impersonation is trickier to combat than you probably think.

ClickHouse talks about how they’ve been using AWS Graviton. Graviton is interesting, because for a while AWS was pushing it so hard that you just by default assumed that anyone talking about it was being required to do so by some contractual term or other. The reality is that it’s insanely cost effective and you should be using it.

My colleague Eric puts digital pen to cloud paper in Every Byte You Take: How Cloud Ingestion Pricing Eats Your Budget.


Last Week In AWS: S3 Tables Regional Expansion, 7 Day Alarming, and a Singing Telegram

Screaming in the Cloud: Evolving, Adapting, and Staying Prepared with Brian Weber

Choice Cuts

Amazon EFS is now available in the AWS Mexico (Central) Region – This is annoying. They made a whole hoopla a few weeks ago about the region coming online, and now they’re trickling out very basic foundational services to them. Either a region is ready or it’s not, but this "go ahead and try to deploy your app here and see if it works" is a terrible customer experience.

Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro now supports Kubernetes version 1.32 – That means that as of November 26, 1.31 will enter "Extended Support." In case you don’t know what that is, listen very carefully. You can almost hear the EKS product owner reflexively making cash register sounds with their mouth.

Amazon S3 Metadata is now generally available – "Generally Available" means different things to different companies–and yes, service teams as well. When the S3 team tells me something is generally available, I wouldn’t hesitate to trust it with critical workloads. They’re just that good / diligent.

Amazon Timestream for InfluxDb now supports Storage Scaling – I have no idea if you can scale it down or not, since as of this writing their documentation has no idea what you’re talking about when you say "storage scaling." That’s going to be critical, otherwise it’s just a sparkling unbounded growth problem.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports Python 3.13 on Amazon Linux 2023 – Whoa, Elastic Beanstalk is showing signs of life?! What do they think it is, Heroku?

AWS Health now supports Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) – …it took them this long to slap a dual-stack CloudFront distribution / ALB in front of the health endpoints? Really?

Announcing AWS Managed Notifications in the AWS Console Mobile App – What’s the under on how long it’ll be until they start using these notifications to send us ads?

Announcing new AWS Wavelength Zone in Casablanca – Of all the AWS newsletters, of all the snarky communications channels, in all the world, this Wavelength announcement had to walk into mine.

AWS now supports Zone Groups for Availability Zones – "You can now find the Zone Group for Availability Zones for all Regions in the DescribeAvailabilityZones API. For example, the Availability Zones in the US West (Oregon) Region make up the us-west-2-zg-1 Zone GroupName, where us-west-2 indicates the Region, and zg-1 indicates it is the group of AZs in the Region. This new identifier (such as us-west-2-zg-1) has replaced the previous naming (such as us-west-2)." I feel very, very stupid–because I’ve read this carefully six times and still have no idea what the hell it’s trying to say.

Announcing the AWS CDK Glue L2 Construct – It’s always a delicate balance to figure out where to put things like CDK constructs in terms of raising awareness. "The changelog" isn’t broad enough, whereas I really think you’re going to have to be amazingly persuasive to convince Matt Garman to make it a tentpole of his re:Invent keynote. This strikes a nice balance.

Deploy DeepSeek-R1 Distilled Llama models in Amazon Bedrock – I’m not too proud to admit when I’m wrong–AWS’s taking a multi-model approach instead of going all-in on their own models left them PERFECTLY positioned to capitalize on DeepSeek freaking out the entire tech industry. This serves as a perfect illustration that from time to time I miss the mark completely, and thus you should exercise good judgement when listening to me. I’m just one voice, albeit a loud one.

Announcing upcoming changes to the AWS Security Token Service global endpoint – You either do not give the slightest toss about this enhancement, or else you care profoundly about this. There’s nobody in between those two endpoints. Congratulations on this release meeting your needs / I’m sorry I wasted your time including this in the newsletter, depending upon which of the two you are personally.

Design patterns for multi-tenant access control on Amazon S3 – The three design patterns they list misses the fourth (and surprisingly popular) pattern, which is "accidental." As in "OH CRAP WE SCREWED UP THE PERMISSIONS."

I just noticed that there’s a banner on top of the Amazon Nimble Studio page showing that it’s closed for new customers. Sneaky sneaky!

… and that’s what happened Last Week in AWS.

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