S3 as an Eternal Service
AWS Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr obviously needs no introduction to anyone even tangentially aware of what AWS is–but did you know that he’s also a philosopher? I recently got to chatting with him about The Future®, and he said something that caught me completely off guard: I sometimes think about the fact that Amazon S3 […]
AWS’s Anti-Competitive Move Hidden in Plain Sight
Folks have been making noises for a while that Amazon is anti-competitive in a variety of ways. I don’t disagree with the overall sentiment, but there’s one particular aspect of how AWS advantages its own offerings that I don’t see folks talking about–and strikes me as particularly egregious.
AWS is Asleep at the Lambda Wheel
Countless volumes have been written about the various benefits of serverless, a task made even easier by it being such a squishy, nebulous term that’s come to mean basically whatever the author wants it to mean. This has been a boon for AWS’s product teams, who’ve gone from creating services that are clearly serverless such as DynamoDB, Route 53, IAM, and others to instead slapping the “serverless” moniker on things that are clearly not very serverless at all, like OpenSearch and Aurora.
Amazon’s Snowball Edge Frustrates This User
A friend who happens to work at AWS recently had reason to send me about 500 GB of data. This friend is a business user. Now, say what you want about AWS’s hiring practices, they certainly don’t hire people who aren’t intelligent. This intelligent person made the very reasonable determination that the best solution they had available to send me that half terabyte of data was to mail me a hard drive.
S3 Encryption at Rest Does NOT Solve for Bucket Negligence
Amazon S3 encrypting new objects by default is a nice feature, but it’s not the panacea for data breaches that commentators make it out to be.
The Right and Wrong Way to Interview Engineers
Today I want to talk about the worst whiteboard confessions of all time, and those invariably all tend to circle around what we ask candidates to do on a whiteboard during job interviews.
A MultiCloud Rant
You know what really grinds my gears? Well, lots of things, but in this case, let’s talk about multi-cloud. Not my typical rant about multi-cloud not ever being a good best practice—because it’s not—but rather how companies talk about multi-cloud. HashiCorp just did a whole survey on how multi-cloud is the future, and at no point during that entire process did they define the term.
The Feudal Lords of Amazon: AWS’ Infinite Service Launches and Counterproductive Culture
AWS services will only continue to expand, fueled by Amazon’s structure and culture. Its customers lose until AWS figures out how to unite its internal teams.
Kubernetes the Much Harder Way
Getting started with Kubernetes? Try learning it the hard way … seriously. Doing a hands-on tutorial can open new levels of understanding about the platform.
An alterNAT Future: We Now Have a NAT Gateway Replacement
AWS Managed NAT Gateway alternatives have been flimsy at best. In alterNAT, we finally have a viable NAT gateway alternative that saves AWS customers money.
What You Actually Need To Know Before You Go
If you’re unfortunate enough to be attending re:Invent in person, you can find a lot of guides suggesting things that are not to be missed, survival tips to remember, and how to get “the best experience” from the show. Most of them are molten garbage. Instead, I’m going to give you the tips I give […]
The Real Reason Cloud IDE Adoption Is Lagging
Cloud integrated development environments (IDE) aren’t being adopted by programmers at the same rate as other cloud technology. What gives?