Corey Quinn

9 Ways AWS Made Me Headdesk When Using the CDK

By Corey Quinn

For all that AWS talks about its global infrastructure regions, attempting to deploy my application to every region with AWS CDK was a Bad Idea.

Should You Take a Job at AWS?

By Corey Quinn

“Should I accept a job offer at AWS?” The answer isn’t straightforward, so here are the things you’ll want to consider before you take a job at Amazon.

The Strange, Too-Familiar Tale of ‘Uncle Suitcase’

By Corey Quinn

Amazon Cognito is the AWS service that boasts about all it can accomplish — but without the substance to back up its claims.

The Aurora Serverless Road Not Taken

By Corey Quinn

Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 review: The AWS service’s April 2022 launch fails to fulfill the promises of serverless and of a second version product.

AWS Has a Moral Responsibility To Fix the Free Tier

By Corey Quinn

The AWS Free Tier makes it too easy to rack up massive surprise bills. If AWS doesn’t fix free tier, the company is certain to face tragic consequences.

An AWS Free Tier Bill Shock: Your Next Steps

By Corey Quinn

When your AWS Free Tier bill is suddenly in the thousands, don’t panic. File an honest support ticket — kindly! When your case is resolved, delete your AWS account.

AWS’s Deprecation Policy Is Like a Platypus

By Corey Quinn

Four different pathways to deprecation that AWS has trod over the past few years. Some approaches are more customer- or partner-friendly than others, while others are painfully slow or silently abrupt.

How to Win in Cloud

By Corey Quinn

On a longer planning horizon than many companies seem to operate, it would appear that the approach that most of the existing cloud providers are taking today is suboptimal. Their messaging, their product offerings, their enhancements around existing services, and their hiring all swirls around a central theme: migrating enterprise workloads into cloud.

AWS’s Open Source Problem

By Corey Quinn

Compared to many of its large tech company peers, Amazon has historically struggled with its relationship to Open Source. Google has Kubernetes, Chrome, the Go programming language, and a mountain more. Microsoft has gone from the bad old days of being generally obnoxious, to being the de facto stewards of everyone else’s open source code by way of GitHub, as well as putting out Visual Studio Code, the TypeScript programming language, and a mountain more.

Shitposting as a Learning Style

By Corey Quinn

Everyone learns in different ways. Some methods work super well for one person, while someone else just doesn’t “get it.” While most of us know this intellectually, it’s easy to forget that other people aren’t all like we are. I’m speaking in this case, of course, about myself.

Taking AWS Account Logins For Granted

By Corey Quinn

I’ve been an advocate for AWS SSO for a while, but the official tooling used to log in and work with various accounts within your organization has been somewhat lacking, to put it mildly. That’s why I was so pleased to stumble across granted recently.