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VMware Buys CloudHealth, Pushes Stupid Multi-Cloud Narrative

By Corey Quinn

If multi-cloud is crap, and it is, why are so many people talking about it? The only folks pushing for it are vendors who stand to lose everything if multi-cloud doesn’t take off.

The Post AWS’s Billing Team Could Have Written But Didn’t

By Corey Quinn

The idea of having multiple AWS accounts in your organization broken out not just by team but also by cost center isn’t the terrible idea that some people (including me until a year or two ago!) tend to assume it is. Permit me to explain why.

A Notable Caveat

By Corey Quinn

Editor’s note: I was off by an order of magnitude on the cost of this feature; thanks to Ian Littman for pointing this out. The below numbers are now correct to the best of my knowledge. Math is hard… T3 instances launched yesterday, complete with a Jeff Barr blog post. One point that was mentioned […]

“S3 is faster” Doesn’t Do it Justice

By Corey Quinn

An incredible enhancement to S3 has flown largely underneath the radar. It’s well worth adjusting your understanding of S3’s historical bottlenecks…

Put Down the Pitchfork, AWS Didn’t Steal Your Dunning-Krugerrands

By Corey Quinn

For those who are just stumbling upon this blog for the first time with no context, I’m a very loud critic of Amazon Web Services whenever I feel they deserve it (services that are poorly documented, status pages that don’t update, catering options that don’t appeal to my appetite that day, etc.). Today, I was […]

What I Don’t See From AWS Support

By Corey Quinn

Today Randall Hunt posted an “emotional rant about AWS support” chronicling what he’s seen from them over the past ten years, and invited others to chime in with their experiences. Given that I’m arguably one of the four most sarcastic observers of AWS in the world, I figured I’d take him up on that invitation […]