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AWS Data Transfer Charges: Ingress Actually Is Free

By Corey Quinn

Free doesn’t always mean “free,” like when taking a Twix from an exhibit hall booth means I get suckered into an awkward sales pitch. (Never make eye contact when you swipe the swag!) But when AWS says its data ingress is free, it’s not kidding — I even verified it for you.

Confidential Computing Is for the Tinfoil Hat Brigade

By Corey Quinn

Threat modeling doesn’t point to confidential computing as a solution for cloud security. Ultimately, it’s a marketing ploy that targets cloud skeptics.

The Baffling Maze of Kubernetes

By Corey Quinn

As a new user of Kubernetes, I’m already confronted with what feels like too many choices and too little authoritative direction about the “right” way to get set up. I can therefore assume rely on only one central truth: I’m doing it wrong.

The Next AWS CMO: Corey Quinn

By Corey Quinn

There’s a vacancy in AWS’s C-suite. What should customers and onlookers expect from the cloud service’s next chief marketing officer? A lot, because I intend for that person to be me.

Google Cloud Functions Is Surprisingly Delightful

By Corey Quinn

I’ve been beating Azure up a fair bit lately, which is no great surprise to anyone who’s a regular reader of this publication. A friend of mine mentioned over drinks that she thinks of Azure as “the Boomer cloud,” at which point I spat my own drink out and immediately knew what I had to […]

The Harrowing Search for the Elusive Technical Answer

By Corey Quinn

Hey, Google, please crawl this meta description! “How to set a static header on an AWS v2 API Gateway to enable HSTS.” xoxo, Corey Quinn

How Google Cloud and AWS Approach Customer Carbon Emissions

By Corey Quinn

Google Cloud and AWS created very different customer carbon footprint tools. Only one indicates a thoughtful approach to the climate story around cloud usage.

Amazon SageMaker Is Responsible for My Surprise Bill

By Corey Quinn

Getting an AWS surprise bill for Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a strange and concerning occurrence for The Duckbill Group’s Chief Cloud Economist.

An Unexpected Love Letter to Azure

By Corey Quinn

Azure’s Computer Vision can generate alt text in a sophisticated way that’s a game-changer for making accessibility and inclusivity frictionless.

I Was Wrong: Why AWS Can’t End the re:Invent Service Release Tidal Wave

By Corey Quinn

The frenzy of AWS product releases around re:Invent is terrible for its users. But upending AWS’s cultural cornerstones would be even worse for customers.

S3 Intelligent-Tiering: Breaking Even on Cost

By Alex Rasmussen

As Cloud Economists, we’re often asked when it makes sense for an object to be in Amazon S3’s Intelligent-Tiering (S3-IT) storage class. The answer, as is unfortunately often the case in the world of consulting, is “it depends”.

Azure’s Security Vulnerabilities Are Out of Control

By Corey Quinn

Azure’s multiple security vulnerabilities are highly concerning, for both customer data and the cloud’s reputation. It’s time we put public pressure on Azure.