The 2018 Last Week in AWS charity t-shirt campaign has launched. Buy a t-shirt to benefit a good cause; this year’s campaign proceeds all go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Several Amazonians have reached out to me saying they’d like to purchase a shirt, but are concerned that their employer wouldn’t like it due to its somewhat irreverent nature. As many of us have discovered, the best way to win an argument with an Amazon employee is to argue from the perspect of Amazon’s famous…
Leadership Principles!
Customer Obsession
Kids grow up to become AWS customers— but not if they don’t grow up. Childhood cancer is an issue everyone can oppose.
If you buy a shirt, you will own it. They are not available for lease.
Invent and Simplify
These shirts will ship in time for the most inventive event of the year: re:Invent. That’s one less day you’ll have to plan an outfit for! Your packing list just got simpler.
Are Right, A Lot
You’re being asked to donate to combat childhood cancer. I’m going to hazard that history will judge this to be the right side of the issue.
Learn and Be Curious
I’m very curious whether AWS PR will see this as a noble endeavor or a massive problem. Aren’t you? Let’s learn together, while doing good!
Hire and Develop the Best
…dressed. Level up your wardrobe with this stylish shirt.
Insist on the Highest Standards
These are premium shirts, available in both men’s and women’s sizing. Sadly, those are called “unisex” and “junior” respectively because some vendors are terrible—but the shirts are indeed made to the highest standards.
Think Big
When St. Jude was founded, the survival rate for childhood cancer was around 20%. It’s now over 80%. It’s hard to get bigger than that.
Bias for Action
Your credit card is sitting there in your wallet while you weigh the decision. Stop it! Go press the buy button and then come back for the rest of this list.
What’s the point of saving money if you don’t use it to accomplish some good in the world?!
Earn Trust
Calling out shortcomings, real or perceived, breeds authenticity. If you want to assert that us-east-1 has never had a reputational problem, you’re eroding trust instead of earning it.
Dive Deep
…into your wallet and donate heavily!
Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
Exactly! Show that backbone, and buy a possibly-subversive shirt!
Deliver Results
I will deliver these shirts to you before re:Invent.
The time is now; when the fundraiser closes, these shirts are gone. Buy one immediately!