Episode Summary
Episode Show Notes & Transcript
- quietly updated the re:Inforce site: https://reinforce.awsevents.com
- remains disturbingly murky: https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/22/22990637/okta-breach-single-sign-on-lapsus-hacker-group
- far greater detail: https://kloudle.com/blog/aws-rds-does-not-force-clients-to-connect-using-a-secure-transport-layer
- AWS Lambda announces support for PrincipalOrgID in resource-based policies: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/03/aws-lambda-principalorgid-resource-policies/
- Automated Incident Response and Forensics Framework: https://github.com/awslabs/aws-automated-incident-response-and-forensics
- CI/CDon’t: https://hackingthe.cloud/aws/capture_the_flag/cicdont/
Yeah, other than that, from the security community, a while back I had a bit of a conniption fit about how RDS doesn’t mandate SSL/TLS connections. For a company whose CTO’s tagline and t-shirt both read “Encrypt Everything” this strikes me as… discordant. A blog post I stumbled over goes into far greater detail about what exactly is requiring encryption and what isn’t. Make sure your stuff is being secure when you think it is, is the takeaway here. Verify these things or other people will be thrilled to do so for you, but you won’t like it very much.
Corey: This is the AWS Morning Brief: Security Edition. AWS is fond of saying security is job zero. That means it’s nobody in particular’s job, which means it falls to the rest of us. Just the news you need to know, none of the fluff.
Corey: This episode is sponsored in part by our friends at Sysdig. Sysdig is the solution for securing DevOps. They have a blog post that went up recently about how an insecure AWS Lambda function could be used as a pivot point to get access into your environment. They’ve also gone deep in-depth with a bunch of other approaches to how DevOps and security are inextricably linked. To learn more, visit sysdig.com and tell them I sent you. That’s S-Y-S-D-I-G dot com. My thanks to them for their continued support of this ridiculous nonsense.
Corey: Last week AWS quietly updated the re:Inforce site to reflect that instead of Houston, their security conference, held ideally annually, would be taking place this July in Boston. Given that Texas’s leadership has been doing what appears to be its level best to ensure that respectable businesses don’t want to do business there, this is an incredible logistical, and frankly moral, feat that AWS has pulled off.
Corey: That’s the good news. The bad news of course is as this issue went to print, the news coming out of Okta about a breach remains disturbingly murky. I’m trying here to provide the best take rather than the first take, so I really hope someone’s going to have better data for me by next week. Oof. Condolences to everyone who is affected.
Yeah, other than that, from the security community, a while back I had a bit of a conniption fit about how RDS doesn’t mandate SSL/TLS connections. For a company whose CTO’s tagline and t-shirt both read “Encrypt Everything” this strikes me as… discordant. A blog post I stumbled over goes into far greater detail about what exactly is requiring encryption and what isn’t. Make sure your stuff is being secure when you think it is, is the takeaway here. Verify these things or other people will be thrilled to do so for you, but you won’t like it very much.
Corey: Couchbase Capella Database-as-a-Service is flexible, full-featured, and fully managed with built-in access via key-value, SQL, and full-text search. Flexible JSON documents aligned to your applications and workloads. Build faster with blazing fast in-memory performance and automated replication and scaling while reducing cost. Capella has the best price-performance of any fully managed document database. Visit couchbase.com/screaminginthecloud to try Capella today for free and be up and running in three minutes with no credit card required. Couchbase Capella: Make your data sing.
Corey: AWS had one notable security announcement that didn’t come from their security blog. AWS Lambda announces support for PrincipalOrgID in resource-based policies. Now, that’s a fancy way to say, “All of the resources within my AWS organization can talk to this Lambda Function,” which in common parlance is generally historically expressed as just granting access to the world and hoping people don’t stumble across it. I like this new way significantly more; you should too.
And from the world of tools, I found two of interest. Hopefully, folks aren’t going to need this, but AWS Labs has an Automated Incident Response and Forensics Framework that helps you not do completely wrong things in the midst of a security incident. It’s worth reviewing if for no other reason than the discussions it’s likely to spark. Because security has always been more about people than tools. Occasionally it’s about people who are tools, but that’s just uncharitable, so let’s be kinder.
This CI/CDon’t tool is awesome; it intentionally deploys vulnerable software or infrastructure to your AWS account so you can practice exploiting it. I’m a sucker for scenario-based learning tools like this one, so I have a sneaking suspicion maybe some of you might be, too. And that’s what happened last week in AWS security. Thank you for listening. I’m Cloud Economist Corey Quinn. Ugh, this week is almost over.
Corey: Thank you for listening to the AWS Morning Brief: Security Edition with the latest in AWS security that actually matters. Please follow AWS Morning Brief on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Overcast—or wherever the hell it is you find the dulcet tones of my voice—and be sure to sign up for the Last Week in AWS newsletter at lastweekinaws.com.
Announcer: This has been a HumblePod production. Stay humble.