AWS Morning Brief

The AWS Morning show you never knew you wanted

Chief Cloud Economist Corey Quinn goes through the torrent of news about Amazon’s cloud ecosystem and strains out the noise. Then he takes what’s left and gently and lovingly makes fun of it.

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The Unconventional Guide: The Cloud Is Not Your Data Center

Last Week In AWS
21 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse as they continue a new AWS Morning Brief podcast series called Friday From the Field, which examines how organizations are using the cloud and what some of their major pain points are. In this episode, they talk about why you shouldn’t treat the cloud as your own data center, how running apps in the cloud the same way you’d run them in your own data center is the most expensive way to do it, why lift-and-shift is a solid strategy for getting into the cloud quickly—and where the strategy fails, what it’s like to actually manage Cassandra clusters, why you should leverage AWS as a data center and explore the endless amount of tools that exist in the AWS ecosystem, and more.

AWS Compensation Explained

Last Week In AWS
18 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief Extras edition for the week of January 26, 2021.

Elasticsearching For A Business Model

Last Week In AWS
6 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of January 25, 2021 with Corey Quinn.

The Unconventional Guide to Cost Management: Architectural Context

Last Week In AWS
17 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse as they continue a new AWS Morning Brief podcast series called Friday From the Field, which examines how organizations are using the cloud and what some of their major pain points are. In this episode, they talk about the important role architecture context plays in cloud spend, why just because something isn’t taking requests doesn’t mean you should shut it off, why you need to work with teams across your organization to understand the context of your applications, how the scope of AWS is too big for any one person to understand, why it’s important to have an architecture diagram your whole team can refer to, and more.

The Various Billing Philosophies of AWS

Last Week In AWS
8 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of January 20, 2021 with Corey Quinn.

Replicating DynamoDB the Dumb Way

Last Week In AWS
7 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of January 18th, 2021 with Corey Quinn.

Introducing From the Field: The Unconventional Guide to Cost Management

Last Week In AWS
22 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse as they launch a new AWS Morning Brief podcast series called Friday From the Field, which examines how organizations are using the cloud and what some of their major pain points are. In this episode, Pete and Jesse discuss how even the best companies only tag 90% of their resources, what the cost management circle of pain is, what it was like for Pete to work somewhere where the gross margin was -175%, the role architecture decisions plays in cloud spend, the four levers that influence cloud costs within your organization, why it’s important to understand the cost implications of product decisions, and more.

Parler’s New Serverless Architecture

Last Week In AWS
11 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief Extras edition for the week of January 13, 2021.

Insurrection Week

Last Week In AWS
8 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of January 11, 2021 with Corey Quinn.

Kubernetes is the Most Expensive Way to Run a Service

Last Week In AWS
26 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse for a lively discussion about a platform you might have heard of called Kuberentes. They touch upon why just because Google does something doesn’t mean your three-person startup should do the same, why Pete thinks Kubernetes is great if you’re inside a data center, why treating AWS like a bare-metal server isn’t the best approach, what happens with data when developers don’t know how to use Kubernetes, what Pete’s biggest fear about using Kubernetes is, and more.

Terrible Ideas for Avoiding AWS Data Transfer Costs

Last Week In AWS
9 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief Extras edition for the week of January 6, 2021.

Amazon Lookout for 2020

Last Week In AWS
8 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of January 4, 2021 with Corey Quinn.