AWS Morning Brief

The AWS Morning show you never knew you wanted

Chief Cloud Economist Corey Quinn goes through the torrent of news about Amazon’s cloud ecosystem and strains out the noise. Then he takes what’s left and gently and lovingly makes fun of it.

AWS Morning Brief Billie Coffee Cup
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Certifications: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Last Week In AWS
25 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse as they continue their stint as co-hosts of the AWS Morning Brief podcast with a conversation about the pros and cons of certifications. They touch upon the sheer number of AWS certifications that exist, how the certification landscape has changed over the years, instances when certifications can be particularly helpful, how certifications can help organizations achieve compliance, who might be a good candidate for going for a certification, how certifications are table stakes for certain opportunities, and more.

The Other Side of Paternity Leave

Last Week In AWS
6 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief Extras edition for the week of November 4, 2020.

Did He Put Your Million Dollar Check In Someone Else’s Box

Last Week In AWS
10 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of November 2, 2020 with Courtney Wilburn.

Blinded by QuickSight

Last Week In AWS
25 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse as they take over the AWS Morning Brief podcast with a discussion about Amazon QuickSight, a business intelligence tool in AWS. They talk about why business intelligence tools are beneficial in the first place, what the reaction is like at re:Invent when AWS announces a new service, how Tableau is basically a box of legos without an instruction booklet, the pros and cons of QuickSight and some of the shortcomings Pete and Jesse don’t understand, why The Duckbill Group decided to skip over Looker when evaluating BI tools, and more.

Reader Mailbag: Savings Plans (AMB Extras)

Last Week In AWS
7 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief Extras edition for the week of October 28th, 2020.

Not Throwing Away My Shot!

Last Week In AWS
10 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of October 26, 2020 with Ceora Ford.

Best and Worst Ways to Incentivize Teams

Last Week In AWS
27 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse as they take over the AWS Morning Brief podcast with a lively discussion about the best and worst ways to incentivize teams. They touch upon how companies care so much about cloud cost optimization while often failing to pay the same amount of attention to incentives, the difference between incentivizing time to close vs. time to first response, why your incentives should be positive reinforcement and not negative reinforcement, how Pete earned the nickname Captain COGS at a previous employer, and more.

Reader Mailbag: Potpourri (AMB Extras)

Last Week In AWS
8 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief Extras edition for the week of October 21st, 2020.

Don’t Interrupt Me… Last Week In (A)s I (W)as(S)aying

Last Week In AWS
15 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of October 19, 2020 with guest host Brianna McCullough.

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection 2: Electric Boogaloo

Last Week In AWS
23 Minutes
Join Pete and Jesse as they continue their examination of a new AWS offering: AWS Cost Anomaly Detection. In addition to talking about must-watch break dancing movies from the 1980s, they touch upon how the new service is basic at this point in time and why that’s a good thing, what AWS could do to improve the alerting feature on this offering, why the term “root cause” should actually be “contributing factor,” how users are given the option to train the machine learning model if they want to, what Pete and Jesse would add to the service, and more.

Reader Mailbag: Accounts (AMB Extras)

Last Week In AWS
10 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief Extras edition for the week of October 14th, 2020.

Snark Interrupted

Last Week In AWS
7 Minutes
AWS Morning Brief for the week of October 12, 2020 with guest host Veliswa Boya.