Episode Summary
AWS Morning Brief for the week of October 31, 2022 with Corey Quinn.
Episode Show Notes & Transcript
- Amazon Aurora supports cluster export to S3
- Amazon Cognito now provides user pool deletion protection
- Amazon Connect adds real-time schedule adherence
- Amazon EC2 enables easier patching of guest operating system and applications with Replace Root Volume
- Amazon Neptune Serverless is now generally available
- Introducing the Amazon OpenSearch Service delivery program
- Amazon SageMaker Canvas supports tags to track and allocate costs incurred by users
- AWS Console Mobile Application adds support for AWS CloudShell
- AWS Fault Injection Simulator now supports network connectivity disruption
- AWS Nitro Enclaves is now supported on AWS Graviton
- AWS Organizations console now allows users to centrally manage primary contact information on AWS accounts
- AWS Private Certificate Authority introduces a mode for short-lived certificates
- Announcing dark mode support in the AWS Management Console
- EC2 High Memory instances with 18TiB and 24TiB of memory are now available with On-Demand and Savings Plan purchase options
- How to take advantage of the AWS Free Tier
- Goldman Sachs, a legacy financial services firm, transforms its operations on AWS
- Reduce food waste to improve sustainability and financial results in retail with Amazon Forecast
- Cost Optimization recommendations for AWS Config
- Optimize your Amazon EC2 instances cost at scale by migrating from Intel to AMD using AWS Systems Manager Automation