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Cribl Sharpens the Security Edge with Clint Sharp
Clint Sharp, CEO and co-founder at Cribl, is back for a repetition of “Screaming!” This time Clint is here with some news! But, it isn’t to buy a vowel. Instead it is a juicy new product announcement. And in the adroit words of Clint, product announcements “actually matter” to Corey’s audience.
Clint starts off with a light refresher of what exactly Cribl, an observability company on the fundamental level, does. Recently Cribl has made dovetailing observability and security a priority. With their announcement of their product Cribl Edge, for which they did buy a couple of vowels-–they are “taking our existing best-in-class management technology, and we’re turning it into an agent.” Tune into Clint’s conversation for an extensive look at Cribl Edge, Clint’s perspectives, and more!
Diving Duckbill First into the Depths of Data with Alex Rasmussen
Join today’s episode as we say howdy to one of Duckbill Group’s latest hires! Alex Rasmussen, Principal Cloud Economist at Duckbill, whose trajectory into tech is quite protean, sits down with Corey for a chat. Alex is one of the first of a “cloud economist subtype” with a background in academics, consulting, and more!
Alex jokes about going to school “until somebody told me I have to stop”—the result? A Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering. But Alex’s expertise only begins there. Alex used his academic background to dovetail with multiple startups, which lead to a history steeped in data infrastructure. Corey and Alex discuss Duckbill’s decision and the logic behind hiring him to cover down on the data side of things. Join them as they dive duckbill first into the deep pool of data!
The Hari Seldon of Third Party Tooling with Aidan Steele
Today’s guest is Aidan Steele, who by day is a Serverless Engineer at Stedi, but by night “he is an absolute treasure and a delight.” Why so? Well he writes fantastic third party tooling and blog posts and “turns them into the most glorious, intricate, and technical shit posts” that Corey has ever seen.
Aidan talks about his inspiration from Asimov’s The Foundation for his ipv6-ghost-ship. Aidan and Corey vent a little about AWS’s “perfect track record” for security, and how they both have learned to question if that is actually the case. Aidan has been working (or at least getting paid to work) in AWS from its inception, and he reflects on how he has masterfully navigated, or perhaps teleported around, that space for years.
Hard Charging Software onto the AWS Marketplace with David Gatti
0x4447 is an independent company that packages software and solutions that is designed to scale “a heck of a lot” more than just a consultancy. David Gatti, a cloud engineer and CEO of 0x4447, joins Corey for a deep dive into all the company’s offerings. They have recently pulled away from just consultancy work, and are now hard charging their software into the cloud ecosystem.
David discusses 0x4447’s recent pull from just consultancy and the shift of focus to the products they sale on the AWS Marketplace. The primary reason, scale. David talks about balancing the early high investment that software demands, with a tailing productivity and return. He and Corey chat in depth about 0x4447’s offerings to include their VPN, SFTP, and others alongside the philosophy that David has developed behind his work.
From A to Z in Alphabet’s Soup with Seth Vargo
Seth Vargo, and Engineer at Google, was the third guest ever on “Screaming!” Now, at three hundred plus episodes later, he is back to catch up with Corey. This time around Corey isn’t nearly as tentative with the microphone, so the conversation is bound to start on good footing.
Seth is still at Google, but primarily works with Alphabet helping companies within the conglomerate umbrella securely and privately consume public cloud. Seth’s work has transitioned from Cloud PA or “product area” to what he calls “Core PA.” In Core PA is his work across various clouds, dare we dive into the semantics of multi-cloud, for the stable of companies under Alphabet. Seth offers up some reflections on the complexity of working in a massive entity, what exactly privately means in the context of his work, GCP, and more!
Creating Content that Sells Ideas with Brooke Jamieson
There are good parts to TikTok, despite the crippling nature of existential pondering on ones age that it may induce. One of those good parts is that Corey gets to talk to people who, generally, he wouldn’t have access to across the cloud ecosystem. Today’s guest, Brooke Jamieson, Head of Enablement of AI/ML and Data at is a fortunate example of the great good that comes out of it.
Brooke has a knack for folding multiple things together into succinct content. Brooke takes the incredibly complex, and makes them easily accessible, via short form video. One of Brooke’s unique abilities is to create content that sells ideas over products. The result, a prolific and wide reception of some well honed perspectives. Check out the conversation for Brooke’s wisdom!
Siphoning through the Acronyms with Liz Rice
In house pronunciation habits are a slight annoyance of the industry, so for now when it comes to CNCF, we will stick with spelling it out one letter at a time. We are glad to say that Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent, and chair of CNCF's Technical Oversight Committee, does the same. Gracefully so, ditto to Isovalent’s eBPF, instead of “Ehbehpf” which is at the start of today’s conversation.
Liz Rice spills the beans on eBPF, or extended Berkeley Packet Filter, which on its own basically means nothing. But, what it actually does is allow you to do is to run custom programs inside the kernel. Liz breaks down the varied ways that eBPF is useful, the story on how the enterprise versions of Cilium are useful, and some of the other tools Isovalent is bringing forward.
Becoming a Pathfinder in Tech with Emily Kager
For today’s episode we’re going to go off the beaten path a bit. We’re joined by Emily Kager, a Senior Android Engineer at Uber, to talk about the seemingly endless ways into tech. Emily found her way to mobile, a space that Corey self admittedly knows little about. Thankfully through content creators like Emily, he is becoming as erudite as the next. Emily’s diverse background and self determination serve as excellent example of how to carve you way into tech, how to do so successfully, and then sharing that with others.
Emily discusses her motivations for building out her TikTok as as space to shine the light on the endless ways into tech. Emily and Corey chat about Emily’s own unique way into the field. Emily was adrift for a short period of time after school, where she realized she felt “lukewarm” about a path in medicine. So, she leveled some wisdom and ended up exploring other options. Now she has a masters and is an active member of the tech community!
Into the Year of Documentation with Dr. KellyAnn Fitzpatrick
It is always a good day when you get to chat with any of the fine folks at RedMonk. So, after some polite badgering by Corey, Kelly Fitzpatrick, a Senior Industry Analysts at RedMonk, has joined the “Screaming” line up. At the forefront of today’s conversation, what exactly is an industry analysts, and what is an industry analysis firm.
Kelly provides some distinction between what RedMonk does, versus what RedMonk is. Kelly talks about how they work as an industry analysis firm to bring the latest tech trends to what their customers are building, and how they are getting their work out into the wild. Kelly discusses some of the secrets to RedMonk’s success in the face of the shifting tides of the tech world, her unique background and PhD, and more!
Commanding the Council of the Lords of Thought with Anna Belak
A few years ago Corey caught wind of the open source project Sysdig, which at the time attracted his attention. Now it has turned into something “rather interesting” when it comes to observability and security. Anna Belak, Sysdig’s Director of Thought Leadership, is here to expand on all that “interesting” may entail.
Anna, who holds a PhD in Materials Engineering, is now the high chancellor of the lords of thought for Sysidig. What this actually means is she works in product and marketing in a way that is “half evangelism and half product strategy.” Anna discusses Sysdig’s product evolution into DevSecOps, security in the container world, the 2022 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report, and more!
Quantum Leaps in Bioinformatics with Lynn Langit
Lynn Langit, CEO of Lynn Langit Consulting, was one of the very first guest on “Screaming,” and now she is back, three hundred plus episodes later! Lynn’s repertoire is an impressive one. She was the first person to achieve AWS Community Hero as well as the equivalent designations at all three of the primary tier-one hyperscale cloud providers. Now as a consultant she is working across the cloud with an intensive focus on bioinformatics, quantum computing, and more.
Since the last time Lynn came on the conversation has shifted from “should we be using cloud” to “how should we use it?” Lynn’s research is primarily focused in bioinformatics, and most of that research is centered on cancer. So, “how should we use it” is at the forefront of her work. Since the COVID pandemic Lynn has had a front row to seat to the massive impact it has made on bioinformatics at large. She discusses the changes in the field, the dynamic ways that research and money interact, her rising interest in quantum computing, and how it has shaped her consultancy.
Communicating What an SDET Actually Is with Sean Corbett
Companies come in many stripes these days, and everybody seems to be a unicorn. But for TheZebra and Sean Corbett, their Senior Software Engineer, this may just be the case. Over the past several years, they have “helped create software and proprietary platforms” that assist teams in their understanding of their own work as an SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test.)
Sean and Corey rake over how QA departments are waning in relevance, and their replacement by SDETs. Sean clarifies what exactly an SDET is, its history, and how it has changed over the past few years. Sean reflects on TheZebra and their emphasis on a more collaborative environment that brings engineers and testing into the other teams in an organization.